pátek 30. března 2012

person =D

This person is very intelligent , favourite, funny, goofy and crazy... =D This person is girl, she has got brown long hair, is tall and previously wore glasses =P  WHO IS IT ????

This person is boy.He has got brown hair, blue-gray-white T-shirt and blue jeans... This boy is very tall.... Who is it????

 This person is very  unusua,because is  pregnan!!!!!! Who is it???


pátek 17. února 2012


    New York City (officially The City of New York only New York City) is the most populous city of the United States and its metropolitan area is one of the largest in the world. 
    The city was founded by the Dutch in 1625 and since 1790 is the largest city in the United States. New York was also the first capital of the United States after the adoption of the Constitution. is currently one of the world centers of commerce and finance. 
   New York also has a global influence in media , politics , education , entertainment , arts , fashion and advertising. It is also a focus of international relations and diplomacy, because it houses the seat of the United Nations.
   Mayor NEW YORK is Michael Rubens Bloomberg (born 14th February 1942) is an American businessman and politician. Since 2002, the mayor of New York.

Big  Apple
"The Big Apple" is a nickname for New York City




Brooklyn is the most populous of the five boroughs of New York. Brooklyn has developed from a small  town "Breuckelen" and was an independent city until 1898, when he joined the New York City.
                                                          Brooklyn Bridge




New York I visited the Statue of Liberty Council , MONA Museum , Central Park , Empire State Building , Times Squar.

Empire state BUilding

 I also very much a fashion designer setkla Mr. LouisVuitton and many more .....
New York is a very beautiful city and I hope to visit him as soon :-)

pátek 2. prosince 2011


Director: Garry Marshall

Music: James Newton Howard

Starring : Richard Gere , Julia Roberts , Ralph Bellamy , Jason Alexander, Laura San Giacomo, 
                Hector Elizondo , Alex Hyde -White , Amy Yasbech and Hank Azaria , Larry Hankin,                   Kathleen Marshall , Larry Miller, Dey Young, Garry Marshall , Patrick Richwood, Scott                 Marshall , Al Sapienza , Elior Donahue

   Vivian works as a prostitute when he accidentally meets a beautiful , lonely and mysterious millionaire Edward Lewis , who Lunch luxury hotel. It offers her if she wants to accompany him into society. Vivian agrees. 
Vivien gets money from Edward , but the shop do not want to handle it !
   Vivian helps hotel manager , who in turn okozlující , elegant young lady.
  Week almost over , Vivien fell in love with Edward, but Edward wants to keep it only as a mistress. A week ago, would have agreed, but love has teamed up with pride, aproto Vivian goes ..
   Edward realizes his mistake . Therefore, be issued with flowers and umbrella instead of swords in a white Rolls- Royce coming for his bride .
Life in Hollywood goes on ............

pátek 11. listopadu 2011



Mgr. Elizabeth Scmidt
Paris 66, France
telephone 369-888-369
e-mail   elizabeth.schmidt@com

2001-2007       The Charles University, Prague
1996-2001      Grammer school, Pelhřimov

Additional information on education
          2002-2005     Latin language course, Praha
          1998-2000     Spanish language course,Brno  

Employment history
2004-2008     Hospital Praha
                      Job position: an intern
                      Job description: treating people

Language skills


Characteristics and hobbies
                      I am a communicative, flexible, creative and responsible person. I like
                      working with people. I enjoy travelling and learning new things,
                      meeting new people. I like helping people.

pátek 9. září 2011

Something about me

Hi! My name is Elizabeth Schmidt. I am 15years old. I live in Czech Republik. I like listening musik. I love pizza and chocolate..